Botox Cosmetics to Reduce Frown & Stress Lines

One of several options our physicians can offer you to remove or minimize stress lines, botox can be administered in a simple, non-surgical procedure that temporarily improves the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines between the brows in people ages 18 to 65.

During treatment, very low doses of Botox Cosmetic, which is a purified protein, are administered via a few tiny injections directly into the muscles that cause those stubborn lines between the brows. The Botox is intramuscular, relaxing the facial muscles that cause the frown and stress lines. Botox Cosmetic is the only product of its kind that affects the muscles that cause moderate to severe frown lines.

What causes frown lines between the brows?
The lines that appear between your brows actually result from muscle movement and the passage of time. Two muscles are largely responsible for frown lines between the brows. When those muscles contract they draw the brows together. As skin becomes less elastic over time, repeated frowning can result in those moderate to severe lines between the brows.

What is the treatment like?
Botox Cosmetic is a quick and minimally invasive procedure. Your doctor makes a few tiny injections into the muscles that cause moderate to sever frown lines between your brows.

Your doctor will determine exactly where to administer the injections to achieve the best results. No anesthesia is required, although he or she may choose to numb the area with a cold pack or anesthetic cream prior to injecting.

The entire procedure takes approximately 10 minutes, and there is no downtime afterward. Discomfort is minimal and brief. Localized pain, infection, inflammation, tenderness, swelling, redness, and/or bleeding/bruising may be associated with the injection.

How soon will I see a difference? What kind of results can I expect?
You can expect to see results within days after your treatment. The appearance of the area between your brows may continue to improve for up to a week.

By day 30 in a clinical study, 89% of patients judged the severity of their frown lines between their brows as moderate or better.

Visible results have been shown to last up to 4 months, and after that you may be ready to return for a follow-up treatment.

What are the side effects?
Side effects are minimal and typically relate to the local injection. Soreness or mild bruising may occur around the injection site. Makeup may be worn after treatment. In rare instances, a patient may develop a temporary droopy brow or eyelid, or a headache.

Click here to Learn More About Botox Cosmetic